Eileen and Eddie were out for a walk after dinner, they called me and asked me go outside to see the sunglow. I grabbed the camera and took some pictures at the pool area.
This is the 15th Dragon Boat Festival in San Francisco. We are very glad to join such event, Eileen and Eddie are happy, though it was hot at that day.
I don't have a super telescope lens, so only took few pictures.
It's our great pleasure that Eddie was invited to Isabelle's birthday party~ Isabelle turned to four! Her mother and father prepared a wonderful party for their daughter.
What a lovely girl and how happy she was! May god bless her growing up happily.
Thanks Tatkee and Helen for inviting us to share their camping site.
It's our first time camping in United states, quite different experience from previous ones China. It was 2001 november when I went camping with Eileen(of course She was my girlfriend at that time). Wow~, already 9 years and, This time we have a new member: Eddie~~~
This is Eddie's first time camping experience. He was very exciting and very happy when played with Angel and Rich.
Thanks Helen's delicious Bar-Be-que, Tatkee's hardwork on campfire. You have made my day. It was a really nice memory, Let's see pictures~